Bob & Judy Cholette
Pastor Robert Cholette has served as Lead Pastor at Troy Assembly of God since February 1st, 1990. He previously served 2 Years on the pastoral staff at the Western Michigan Teen Challenge and was Lead Pastor of the Cornerstone Assembly of God Church in Beulah, Michigan for 6 Years where he lead that congregation through significant growth and expansion. He, and his lovely wife Judy have been married since 1976 and have four adult boys, seven grandchildren and one great grandchild. Pastor Bob’s vision is to lead others to the only One that can bring Hope and new life - The Lord Jesus Christ! Through his preaching, teaching and worship he longs to bring his congregation, and all he comes in contact with, to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ and to fulfill their God given purpose.

Scott & Kellie DeClaire
God led Scott and Kellie to Troy in 1991 and they immediately connected with Pastor Bob and Judy and the church. They have served at Troy since then except for 3 years 1996-1998, where they served as Youth Pastor at a local Assemblies of God Church. After these 3 years God called them back to Troy to serve as Assistant Pastor. Scott and Kellie work with the Youth Group and they help lead Prophetic Worship and Intercession. Scott also preaches from time to time and Kellie serves on the praise team and leads worship. Scott and Kellie have been married since 1989. They have 4 married children and 5 grandchildren. They both love to help God’s people walk in victory and freedom and help God’s people grow closer to the Lord.

Jed & Tracy Durrant
Jed and Tracy have been attending Troy Assembly of God since 1997. Jed serves as the Associate Pastor with a focus on the home groups ministry and pastoral care. Tracy serves as the Administrative Assistant. They have been married for 32 years and have two adult children and 3 grandchildren. Jed and Tracy are also licensed foster parents and have been blessed to have had 25 children pass through their home over the past 14 years.

Vince & Pam Nader
Vincent and Pamela Nader serve as Pastors at Troy Assembly of God overseeing the Prayer Ministry. They believe that through worship and fervent intercession, God’s people can pray God’s purposes from the heavenly realm into the earthly, see the plans of the enemy cancelled and witness a great harvest released for the glory of God. Both Vince and Pam were widowed, but the Lord has done great things and they happily remarried together. The blessing of the Lord has made them rich with seven grown daughters and sons with six son’s in-law and daughter’s in-law and twenty grandchildren. Their ministries have been blended together and they are strong and unified in the work of the Lord.

Joel & Nataliya Masching
Joel met Pastor Bob while a student at teen challenge in Muskegon back in 2001. It was there that Joel began attending Troy Assembly of God when he would visit this side of town on visits. Joel met his wife Natailya while leading an evangelism team in the streets of Hamtramck through an outreach Troy Assembly partnered in. Nataliya was born in the Ukraine and has lived in the U.S for 14 years. Our calling as a family is to exemplify Christ to the best of our ability and to reach the lost at any cost.

Logan & Kimberly Mong
Logan has been serving at Troy Assembly since summer 2015 assisting in the youth, children, and sound team ministries and he just recently was added to the staff at TAG. Kimberly and Logan desire the young generation to be introduced to the real Jesus; empowered in their true value and worth; and transformed through the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Kimberly grew up at Troy Assembly and has been serving since 2013. She introduced Logan to Troy Assembly in September 2014 and Logan has been attending Troy Assembly ever since. They both met at Rochester University in August 2014 and recently got married on July 9th, 2021.